Welcome to stand up pouches! We begun manufacturing packaging materials in 1980.We are now the world’s largest stock holder of unprinted liquid packaging of different sizes and colors. Utilizing the latest equipment, we are able to manufacture the highest quality printed and unprinted liquid packaging worldwide. Our liquid packaging are food safe.

We stock liquid packaging in many different colors. All the colors of stand up pouches. we manufacture are shown below in colored pictures is available in stock ready to dispatch.

liquid packaging will be delivered anywhere in world by DHL or FedEx courier maximum within 7 working days from the date of order.

Typical market of liquid packagings.

a. energy drinks {isotonic and sports drinks, highly nutritional energy gels, integrators}

b. beverages {fruit juices, light or mildly alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, milk shakes}

c. snacks {ice cream, yogurt, sorbet, honey}

d. sauces {mayonnaise, salad dressing oils, tomato sauce, herb pastes, chocolate sauce, all edible oils}

e. industrial {inks, gels, lubricating oil}

f. cosmetics {shampoo, conditioner, lotion, cream, foundation}



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